I've have always been fascinated by the night sky and space exploration. Galaxies, especially, have always been an interest of mine. How do such complex, enormous structures evolve? Why do spirals and bars exist, and what mechanisms keep them going? How do perturbations like this affect stellar kinematics? I am now happily researching spiral galaxy evolution and dynamics alongside my Ph.D. advisor Dr. Kathryne Daniel at UA. In addition to my space obsession, my other hobbies include swimming, hiking, D&D, video gaming, book clubs, and playing chess.
Spiral Galaxy Evolution
Probing the history of transient spiral arms in the Milky Way using simulations to inform observations
2022 - present
University of Arizona
Ph.D - in progress (~2025)
Spiral Galaxy Dynamics
Examining kinematic signatures in stellar 6-D phase space and investigating their origins
2018 - 2022
Bryn Mawr College
Ph.D program (Master's equivalent)
- transferred to UA
Spiral Galaxy Pitch Angle
How pitch angle evolves over time and its effect on stellar dynamics
2015 - 2018
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
B.S. Physics, Minor Mathematics